Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Easter!

Easter is a festival and holiday celebrated by Christians, in order of celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Easter is celebrated after a forty-day period of fasting, prayer, and penance. Some people also called Easter as Pasch, Passover, or Resurrection Sunday.

Easter for me is not just a time for decorating eggs and eating chocolate bunny. Besides its long holiday (yeah, straight from Thursday to Sunday), Easter means a lot for me. Jesus had sacrificed His life for us. We as human beings are rightly thankful and grateful to God. Easter eggs represent a new life, and Jesus’ resurrection is expected to bring a new hope for all of us.

I hope your Easter this year is egg-celent. Happy Easter! 


  1. Your flow and grammar is excellent! I like the way you tell your readers about easter.

  2. IT has a good flow and the Grammar is good.

  3. There aren't any mistakes in this post.I also like how you tell the readers more about Easter. You could add some pictures to make this writing more interesting. You did great :)
